Books Lately

Some of the books that we borrowed at the library recently and read to Azka and Khalif:

1. Rain by Manya Stojic. The story about animals that expecting rain in a African savanna. I like the way the story links the five senses: smell, see, hear, touch, and feel from five different animals: porcupine, zebras, baboons, rhino and lion. It is connects for what rain brings to the world: that it creates a living from growing trees, water, mud, etc. Perfect book for preschooler.

2. Monsieur Marceau  by Leda Schubert. Pardon me because my lack of knowledge. I never heard of Marceau and not that I’m aware of his famous character “Bip” from his mime act. The book is beautifully illustrated by Gerard DuBois. Love LOVE this book! And my whole respect to monsieur Marceau for his dedication to education and mime world.

3. Guess How Much I Love You by Sam McBratney. A British Children’s book that was published in 1994. My favorite quote from Big Nutbrown Hare to Little Nutbrown Hare when he settles his baby into the bed of leaves, and, after the bunny is asleep, whispers: “I love you right up to the moon – and back.”.  A very simple story with beautiful heart-warming illustrations throughout. It would be perfect to read at the end of the day and you kiss goodnight.

4. The Twins’ Blanket by Hyewon Yum. I simply love the book by the illustrations. Not so much detail of background whatsoever. And the story is about identical twins who’s growing up and have to share their favorite blanket.

5. Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes by Mem Fox. Another perfect book for baby and tots. Rhymes and repetitions. Introduction to many races of babies from the physical look and from the places they live in (up in the hill, in the city, in the tent, near the river, etc).

6. Minette’s Feast: The Delicious Story of Julia Child and Her Cat by Susanna Reich. A story about Julia Child’s cat named Minette – though her owner is a cook maestro, a cat is a cat, which why she chose a mouse instead of any kind of treats that Julia cooked. I like this semi-biographical book – in a cat perspective. Ha!

7. Someday by Alison McGhee. How come you are not crying by the time you finish this book? Read by yourself and find out why…  😥

4 thoughts on “Books Lately

  1. halo Ceniza, aku Ona, wow, keren banget buku2nya. jadi teringat masa kecil saat dilimpahi dg beragam buku oleh bapak. hal itulah yang membuat aku dan kakak serta adik2ku hobi membaca buku. nikmatnya membaca buku itu tak terkalahkan oleh apapun. membayangkan jalannya alur cerita dlm benak masing2 yg berbeda antar 1 org dg lainnya. beruntungnya kamu tinggal di AS yg memiliki banyak perpustakaan dg buku yg selalu update. menengok ke kampung halamanku di Flores NTT, banyak org yg minat baca namun tiada buku. hingga beberapa sepupu dan tante meminta aku mengirimkan buku/majalah bekas. wah, betapa senangnya mereka menerima buku dan majalah itu. walau bekas, kata mereka yg penting ada bacaan ketimbang menghabiskan waktu dg bergosip, hehe. semoga anak2mu menjadi pecinta buku, amin.

    1. Hi Ona…! Iyaa waktu kecil juga bundaku sering banget beliin beragam buku, juga membacakan dan mendongengi. Tapi buku2 yang ada di US ini emang banyaaakkk dan beragam sekali! Sampe2x kami sekeluarga disini sering menjelajahi satu perpus ke perpus lainnya di kota2 terdekat…karena koleksinya beda2x. Amazed lah dengan banyaknya buku terutama untuk anak2. Ilustrasinya bagusss….jalan ceritanya juga… Ada juga yang simple tapi mengena sekali di hati. Jadi kepikiran banget untuk bisa bikin buku cerita untuk anak dan pengen bikin perpus mini di Bandung kelak. Doakan yaa, kali2 bisa kirim juga buat temen2 di Flores NTT. Aku yakin pasti anak2 di sana akan senang dapet kiriman buku2 🙂

  2. chichaaaaa…emang sedih banget deh itu someday nya T____T secara anak gw anak gadis boo yang mana harus mengikuti suami nantinya huhuhuhuhuhuu sedih kalo mikir itu yaa x'(

    1. Diaaannnn! Iyaaa….sedih….Beberapa kali bacain Azka si Someday itu rasanya mengharubiru 😥 Nikmati ya masa2 kecil anak yang gakan terulangi lagi… Ini aja gw rasanya bersyukur dengan adanya Khalif, yang masih bisa puas pasrah dicium2, secara ya Azka makin gede makin susye deh di ndusel2, hehe.

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